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Legal Assistance for Import-Export Businesses in Italy

Legal Assistance for Import-Export Businesses in Italy

Importing and exporting activities in Italy are perfomed following specific regulations, depeding on the country with which the investors are starting a business contract. In the case of the countries which are members of the European Union (EU), the investors will follow simpler regulations under the agreements established as a part of the single European market, while for the countries outside the EU, additional requirements may be imposed when performing import-export activitiesOur team of lawyers in Italy can offer in-depth assistance on the applicable legislation in this field. 

Aspects to consider when exporting from Italy  

company in Italy interested in expanding its market may enter export activities with other firms in other jurisdictions. Thus, it is necessary to adapt the company’s strategy to  the needs of the respective market and analyze the demand for the products or services that are exported from Italy

There are numerous aspects which should be taken into consideration, such as the costs of transportation, the taxes that are to be paid by the company, the regulations available in a particular jurisdiction and the standards imposed for the products sold by the companyOur team of Italian lawyers can provide in-depth information of the documents that must be provided when performing export activities, which can vary depending on the industrial sector in which the company activates. 

At the same time, the company may choose to operate on a foreign market through a local distributor, in which case the investors will need to sign specific contracts. Prior to signing a contract, it is advisable to receive assistance from an Italian law firm that can verify if the stipulations of the agreement respect the legislation in the field. 

Legal obligations of import-export companies in Italy 

Companies involved in import – export activities should handle a set of legal obligations related to the taxes and legislative system available for the respective business activity. As a general rule, the company’s representatives should verify the value added tax regulationscustom duties and if there is a need to obtain specific export licenses

Businessmen should also have a comprehensive understanding on the applicable legislation of the country with which they will start business operations and our law firm in Italy can offer in-depth information on this matter. Please contact our lawyers for legal assistance on the import-export regulations applicable to a specific business sector.