Antitrust Law in Italy refers to the competition laws which specify the ways in which consumers are protected against corporate practices that can jeopardize the competition rules set on the local market. Antitrust regulations can refer to a wide area of practices that can be carried out by a company in order to increase the number clients and to establish a larger market share. Such practices are forbidden under the rules and regulations of the Italian authorities and our team of lawyers can provide an in-depth presentation on the legal requirements that should be respected by companies operating in Italy.
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Antitrust regulations in Italy
The antitrust legislation applicable in Italy refers to many practices, which prohibits the measures that a company can take in order to establish a monopoly on the Italian market. At the same time, prices set out by companies should be situated at a similar level for businesses operating in the same industry.
Companies operating in Italy are under the supervision of the Italian Competition Authority, which is an independent entity that applies competition legislation without the participation of the government.
The institution can provide its expertise when the government is interested to promote a new legislative measure in the field of competition, but at the same time, it protects consumers from various issues, such as misleading advertising and others; our team of Italian attorneys can provide more details in this sense.
Competition Act in Italy
Regulations related to the antitrust procedures in Italy are stipulated in the Competition Act, the main rule of law in this field. It is important to know that the Act stipulates, under the Article 2, that cartels in Italy with anti-competitive attitudes will suffer the consequences of the law, regardless if the behavior appeared on the Italian market or elsewhere. Another important aspect is that the Italian Competition Authority is set out also for introducing measures to prohibit the establishment of cartels in Italy.
Entrepreneurs who need further information on the antitrust regulations applicable in Italy can address to our Italian law firm for assistance.