Fiduciary services generally refer to a wide set of actions which are performed by a natural person or a legal entity on behalf of a certain beneficiary. The fiduciary has the moral and the legal responsibility of acting in good faith, thus representing the interests of the beneficiary. Fiduciary services can refer to legal or financial matters which are handled by entities that have an extensive experience in their respective field. Our team of Italian lawyers can provide legal assistance on the main types of fiduciary services available in Italy.
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The responsibilities of the fiduciary in Italy
The fiduciary is the person who is in charge with performing a certain fiduciary service. The fiduciary is required, under the applicable legislation in Italy, to manage the assets of another party in such a way that the respective person will obtain a certain profit. The fiduciary can’t benefit at a personal level from the services he or she is providing to the client. Our team of lawyers in Italy can provide more details on the broad meaning of fiduciary services. We can also help you if you need fiduciary services in Dubai or in another region/ country, through our local partners.
The fiduciary can obtain a certain profit from the respective activity only if the beneficiary specifically states so.
Types of fiduciary services in Italy
Natural persons and legal entities can be represented by a fiduciary in several business situations. As a general rule, most of the fiduciary services are carried out between a trustee and the beneficiary, but other types of relations can be established, as follows:
• the members of the board and the shareholders of a company;
• lawyers and their clients;
• fiduciary services in the investment field.
Services provided by lawyers in Italy
Foreign investors can benefit from the services offered by our attorneys in Italy, who can provide legal advice on numerous corporate matters. For example, when opening a company in Italy, the businessmen will have to follow a specific procedure, starting with choosing an appropriate legal entity or complying with the local taxation system.
Please contact our law firm in Italy for more details related to the fiduciary services available here.