The Italian healthcare market is considered to be the fourth largest market at a European level. Those who want to set up a business in the healthcare sector in Italy must know that this market is characterized by a high level of innovation, which encourages the development of start-up businesses.
As a general rule, the companies set up in the Italian healthcare industry are registered as mid-sized businesses that are specialized in manufacturing medical devices. The Italian healthcare market provides high quality medical services and technologies, being involved in import-export activities of medical equipment. Our team of lawyers in Italy can offer in-depth information on the regulations applicable to trading in this sector.
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What are the characteristics of the Italian healthcare system?
When opening a company in Italy in the healthcare industry, the investors should first analyze the characteristics of the healthcare system, its main regulators, rules of law, information regarding medical insurance and others. Our team of Italian lawyers can provide legal advice on the legal regulations applicable to the healthcare industry, but it is also important to know the following:
- • the main regulator of the Italian healthcare industry is the Italian National Health Service;
- • publicly financed healthcare represents the largest share of the market, offering medical coverage to all Italian citizens as well as to foreigners who have their residency in Italy;
- • Italy also offers private financed healthcare, which is divided into two categories – corporate healthcare and noncorporate;
- • primary medical care in Italy is delivered by specialists working as self-employed persons.
The Italian medical system in 2017
According to a recent study – Health and Hospitals in Italy 2017, the Italian healthcare market is comprised of 1,100 healthcare units and 200,000 patients beds; at the same time, it is important to know that the system hires approximately 630,000 employees. At the level of 2017, Italy registered a total of 8.9 million hospitalizations and the total expenditure reached EUR 62.3 billion.
Businessmen who are interested in finding further information on the registration of an Italian healthcare business are invited to contact our law firm in Italy. Our attorneys can assist with in-depth advice on the business licenses that are needed for this type of activity and may advise on any other related matter.